Developed by Maqbul Yusuf
- Install Google Chrome browser from Play Store: Goto Play Store
- Paste the link, into chrome browser,
- Goto your browser settings, and select 'add to home screen'.
Run app from homescreen
- Using the Safari browser, simply press the box with an outward arrow and
select 'add to home screen'.
Run app from homescreen
The Naat Lyrics is a webapp and is database driven. This means, we are able to provide you with more regular updates on any new lyrics. However, an internet connection is required at all times.
The newly added 'favourites' feature, enables you to save lyrics on your device to view when you have no internet connection. Please note, lyrics in other languages, such as Urdu or Audible lyrics can not be saved to favourites.
You can search lyrics using any keyword(s) from the title.
Can't find particular lyrics?
If you can't find what you were looking for, why not contribute and share the lyrics with the world via this app. Simply email the lyrics along with any Youtube link and we will update. Please also include your name and country.
Shows you lyrics category relevant to the current Islamic month
Allows you to follow and learn the lyrics and tune by use of audio. Note: The audio feature requires iOS 10 or above
Credit to all those who originally typed the lyrics for the worldwide web to share. If however, you find any errors, please copy and paste the corrected version of the lyric and email it to us to update.
If reporting an issue with the app, please include details of your error and the device you are using.
Current Issues:
iOS: Favourites currently not working
Request Lyrics: Email the lyrics to: [email protected]
Note: I would like to dedicate this app, and any benefit it drives, as a means of ongoing reward for my late beloved Mother, please remember her and my family in your duas.